About me

About me
Hi, let me introduce myself here. I am Lydia, clairvoyant, astrologist and Tarot specialist. My work involves doing individual readings, spiritual unfoldment using Astrology or personal Tarot readings.
Reading the Tarot cards .
Ask 10 people about tarot cards, and nine of them will probably say they predict the future. That’s almost right, but tarot doesn’t tell you what will happen—it tells what might happen, and more importantly, how you should show up to it.
In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, tarot was a simple parlor game. Within another 100 years, though, it had become a popular tool for divination.
Today, both tarot and oracle cards, which have fewer rules and a wider range of content, are still in heavy rotation among modern mystics (or anyone looking for a sneak peek into the future).

Influence of the moon.
‘Sun Sign’ is the popular way of knowing about yourself and your horoscope, but what is a ‘Moon Sign’? According to Hindu astrology, The Moon rules over your mind, while the Sun rules your soul. So for knowing your predictions, it is important to consider the combined effect of Sun Sign & Moon Sign.